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Minggu, 10 April 2011

Water, an Antihistamine?

Allergies plague thousands of people every year. Some people experience wheezing as part of their allergic reactions, but they do not have a diagnosis of asthma. weepy eyes, runny nose, pounding headache and cough are typical signs of an allergic reaction. May cause root shock.

allergy reactions are caused by histamine in the body. Histamine is one of the main neurotransmitters of the body. It has two functions in the body. It plays an important role in the immune system and to regulate the available water in the body.

People think of histamine as a cause of allergies, so that is why people take anti-histamines to relieve symptoms of allergic reactions. What most people do not know that histamine is responsible for the regulation of body water. It is less active when the body is fully hydrated, and it becomes more active when the body becomes dehydrated. It also runs when the body is acidic in combination with being dehydrated.

According to a recent survey, allergies are a sign of dehydration, which is triggered when the body starts to conserve its water resources. Dehydration occurs when the histamine is produced to begin the process of water regulation. It will be a priority where the limited available water will be used. Histamine is a good guy, delegation, where available water is used.

Studies have shown that about 75 percent of the population has some degree of dehydration, significant enough to affect their health. In addition to dehydration, most people in the state is acidic because of our typical North American diet. acidity in our body causing irritation and inflammation caused by histamine production. This actually creates a cycle where you keep the other runs. acidic body and reduces the supply of water to keep the body in the country irritated histamine is difficult to manage.

Silent inflammation is caused by histamine. This is where there is chronic inflammation and irritation that does not show symptoms until strong enough to develop symptoms to push into our consciousness. The key is to reduce the inflammation and irritation in the body.

Water is a wonderful buffer. It is also a super highway that carries all through the body. By drinking enough water, you're downgrading of histamine production by providing an efficient nutrient delivery. Now, if you can alkalize your body more by changing the diet or drinking alkaline, ionized water, you will be on its way to the histamine free and allergy free. You will literally be turning off the allergic reaction.

is the second role of histamine in the body's immune system to control. When there is dehydration, histamine suppresses its activity on the immune system, otherwise dehydration would constantly flare up the immune system. This is because the majority of the population is chronically dehydrated. They mistakenly think that the liquid in order to hydrate the body.

is the second role of histamine in the body's immune system to control. When there is dehydration, histamine suppresses its activity on the immune system, otherwise dehydration would constantly flare up the immune system. This is because the majority of the population is chronically dehydrated. They mistakenly think that the liquid in order to hydrate the body.


The importance of proper hydration can not be overemphasized. If you are properly hydrated and your body is less acidic, antibody soldiers will be produced in millions and trillions. With histamine is doing its job, you will not be allergic, or your symptoms will be less.

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